
Siempreviva Boda en Cayey Puerto Rico

Hacienda Siempre Viva Cayey Puerto Rico

Hacienda Siempre Viva, an exclusive retreat in the heart of Cayey makes you fall completely in love with its surroundings.  The eclectic-country style decor was the perfect venue for Mariluz and Norberto’s country style wedding. Check out a few of my favorite from that beautiful day!

Hacienda El Jibarito San Sebastian Wedding-Fotografo de bodas Pu

Hacienda El Jibarito Outdoor Wedding- Fotógrafo de Bodas Puerto Rico

“Years from now I can picture us still laughing together, still holding hands, and still completely in love… just like we are now.”-Unknown Jonathan and Beatriz are a humorous fun couple that truly knew the word laughter. They were all smiles during their entire wedding. A few hints of quirkiness during the ceremony really showed …

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El Escambrón Beach Resort Wedding in San Juan Puerto Rico (13)

Escambrón Beach Club Wedding

Johny and Yarmari’s wedding was full of surprises. Johny brought Choco Ignacio, their beautiful lab, to the ceremony. Jarmari’s reaction when she saw their beloved dog was priceless. He also had another big surprise in store for her.  Willy Rodriguez,  lead singer from Cultura Profetica, was going to perform live their first dance song. It was magical! The gorgeous …

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Small Intimate Wedding in San Juan Puerto Rico-Fotografo de Bodas Puerto Rico (20)

Condado Puerto Rico Small Intimate Wedding-Puerto Rico Wedding Photographer

Roberto from Washington State and Llersania from Puerto Rico met in  St. Agustine ,FL. They spent two months there studying for some exams. They quickly became studying, jogging, and gym partners during this time, but they both had to return to their homes. They prayed for direction and decided to start a long distance relationship …

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